Saturday, January 8, 2011

7 January 2011

1. There are changes to the class timetable. Mr Cheng will distribute the new timetable on Monday, 10 January 2011.

2. We will follow the old timetable for Monday.  We will follow the new time table on Tuesday, 11 January 2011.

1. Spelling list has been given out for Units 1 & 2.

2. Dates for Spelling:  13 January 2011 (Thursday) for Unit 1
                                27 January 2011 (Thursday) for Unit 2

Homework to hand in & things to bring on 10 January 2011 (Monday)
1. Hand in English Journal.

2. Bring thermometer for Mr Cheng to safekeep.  Please write your name on the thermometer.

Have a great weekend and see all of the Pri 3/3 pupils on Monday!

Mr Cheng

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