Wednesday, January 12, 2011

13 January 2011

The pupils in Pri 3/3 had their first spelling today and Mr Cheng revised the difficult words before the spelling.  I am sure they have done well!

1) Grammar Book - (Ex 1, page 1 to 2 and Ex 26, page 81 to 84)

For pupils: 
Please bring
1) Parents' Acknowledgement for Letter for Change in Dismissal Time
2) Social Studies Activity Book (Interacting With Our World) - if you have not
3) Mental Sums Book - if you have not

For parents:
1) From next week onwards, there will be a change in timetable for Tuesdays where school will end at 3PM instead of 330PM.  

A letter from the school was given out together with amended class timetable today.  Please sign and tear out the acknowledgement before having your child hand it back to Mr Cheng tomorrow.

Other Notice:
1) For next Thursday, we will have Maths & Science Spelling!  The spelling list will be given out tomorrow (14 January 2011).

2) It is CCA Promotion Day tomorrow and the children will get to try the various CCAs available in Eunos Primary!  They will also be given a CCA decision form to bring home.  Do help them fill it up to select their CCA.

Mr Cheng

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