Monday, January 10, 2011

11 January 2011

It was a long day today so Mr Cheng has only given us homework for Mathematics & Science.

Homework to hand in on 12 January 2011:
1. Maths 3A Workbook Part 1: Page 15 to 18
2. Science Process Skills (Diversity) : Page 2 (Worksheet 1) 

Spelling is on 13 January 2011 (Thursday)
- Spelling list was given out on Friday, 7 January 2011. Please revise.
1. His stomach rumbled and grumbled.
2. The strong man flexed his arm to show off his muscles.
3. She opened her pack to find some food.
4. She put on a jacket as she was cold.
5. The lion gave a menacing growl.
6. The superhero is invincible.
7. She was quivering like jelly.
8. Fearless Phil bolted down the mountain track.
9. The poor boy is as hungry as a bear.
10. He was fearless as nothing seemed to scare him.

Mr Cheng

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