Wednesday, March 2, 2011

CA1 Week (1 March 2011 to 4 March 2011)

Dear all,

  Apologies for not updating the class blog since the start of the CA1.  I see the children trying their best in all their papers and the most heartwarming thing is that they continued to be very well behaved - even when the teacher is not in the class yet.

  We have 1 more paper to go tomorrow and it is our Science paper.  It is the first year that we are taking the Science paper so let's continue to encourage the children as they finish well in their first big test.

  Regardless of what their results may be, let us give them our greatest encouragement as I can testify most, if not all the children have improved in their learning attitude since I first met them at the start of this year.

  In case I am too busy marking the CA1 papers and do not have time to update the blog this week, there is no homework this week (including journal).

Mr Cheng

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