Tuesday, March 22, 2011

23 March 2011

Hi all,

  Mr Cheng is finally back in school after being absent for 2 days due to his back problem. Mr Cheng really missed the children over the last few days and looks forward to once again inspire the children to do well for Term 2!!

 It is the new term and it is a short term as SA1 starts on 25 April onwards.  Mr Cheng will update the schedule of SA1 on the class blog soon.

1) Hand in all holiday homework tomorrow.

2) Practice 9 timestable using the 2 methods taught today.
  a) Finger method (refer to Mathematics Textbook Page 69
  b) Check and Cover Method (Mr Cheng's method)

3) English LS 4.3, 4.4 and 4.5

4) Maths Topical Test on Numbers Up to 10,000

Mr Cheng

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