Friday, July 8, 2011

Updates and Reminders (End of Week 2)

Dear Class,

Greetings to you!

Here's the updates and reminders that were written in your diary on Friday (8 July):

1. Science Spelling List given. Please learn and memorise 1 to 5 for your spelling on Thursday (14 July).

2. Please do corrections and get your parents/guardians' signature for the following:
         - Learning Sheets (Blink-off)
         - Spelling Book
         - Maths Topical Test 7

3. Homework for weekend (due on Tuesday, 12 July):

          - Maths Process Skills in Problem Solving (pg 35 - 41, Unit 4.1 & 4.2)
          - Synthesis and Transformation Book (Exercise 22, 23 & 24)

4. Card Design

A special reminder to those who were absent in any of the days previously, please remember to submit your MC (Medical certificate) or letter from your parents stating the reason(s) of your absence.

Do have a great weekend and looking forward to seeing you on Monday.

Mr Goh

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