Friday, April 22, 2011

Easter Holiday Homework

In view of the long weekend Easter holiday, I have given the children the following homework:
1) English SA1 Practice Paper
2) Maths SA1 Practice Paper
3) Science SA1 Practice Paper

please help to ensure they attempt the papers.

In addition, with 9 May being a school holidaydue to Polling Day, the English SA1 paper will now be on 6 May instead.

Mr Cheng

Sunday, April 10, 2011

11 April 2011


  1. Maths Activity Book
    • Corrections
    • Pg 43 to 46
  2. Bring Write on Target File tomorrow

  1. Oh Chin Huat Farm visit is tomorrow. 
Mr Cheng

Thursday, April 7, 2011

8 April 2011

12 more schooling days to the start of SA1 and we are starting to feel the pressure already.  

I am pacing out the revision as I felt that the children needs more time on getting the fundamentals correct.

Parents, do encourage them when they face difficulties in their homework and revision.  It is really not easy for them.  Let's work hard together and see the children do their best ok?

There is no homework over the weekend.

I have posted new photos, so do go take a look!

Mr Cheng

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

7 April 2011

1) Science Process Skill Book: Diverstiy
   a) Corrections
   b) Workheets (Page 13 to 16)

Forms and Letters:
1)  Outing Consent Form for Oh Chin Hust Farm Visit
2) Information Letter on upcoming Emergency Excercise.

Mr Cheng