Sunday, February 27, 2011

28 February 2011

1) No written homework
2) Revision for CA1

CA1 Detailed Schedule (Starting tomorrow)

1 March 2011
2 March 2011
Mother Tongue
3 March 2011
4 March 2011

8:15am – 9:30am

8:15am – 9:30am

8:15am – 9:05am

8:15am – 9:05am

*Lessons will resume as per class timetable after each paper.  So, please remind our children to bring their school books each day.  

Do also help to ensure that the children not only revise for their CA but also have sufficient rest and some playtime.  It is a stressful period as this is their first big test after the long December break in 2010. 

Mr Cheng

Thursday, February 24, 2011

25 February 2011

1. English CA1 Paper 2010
2. Mathematics CA1 Paper 2010

CA1 2011 Schedule

Day/ Date
Tuesday, 1 March 2011
Wednesday, 2 March 2011
Mother Tongue
Thursday, 3 March 2011
Friday, 4 March 2011

Do note that pupils who are absent for any of the papers must produce a medical certificate.
Otherwise, the child will not be awarded any mark for the paper he/she missed for that day.

Do also note that there will be NO remedial lessons on:
Wednesday, 2 March
Thursday, 3 March

24 February

1. Science Test Book (Page 1 to 10)
2. Maths Topical Test 3

Note to parents:
1. We have completed all our revision and are currently attempting past year papers for practice.
2. We will be having our 'Happy Friday' tomorrow to help the pupils relieve some stress as they have been under much stress since we started our revision. Ask your child about 'Happy Friday'.

Mr Cheng

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

23 February 2011

1. Mathematics Process Skills Book (Corrections and Page 14 to 22)

Notes to parents
3 more schooling days before our first big test for 2011. We have tried at least 1 past year CA1 paper for English, Mathematics and Science. The pupils are well aware of what is required of them in the upcoming test.

Tomorrow, we are doing our final revision for Science so they have to bring their Science Activity Book and Textbook.

Some of them are starting to feel the stress so I have incorporated fun elements into our daily lessons. Do encourage our children as they prepare for the test.

Mr Cheng

22 February 2011

1. Corrections for English Grammar Book.
2. Corrections for English Transformation & Synthesis Book

4 more schooling days to CA1.
All English books were returned to pupils today for corrections and revision for their CA1 next week

We tried our Science CA1 2010 Paper today and I will return it to them by Friday for revision.

Mr Cheng

Sunday, February 20, 2011

21 February 2011

1) Read Science Textbook : Pages 10 - 29
2) Math Activity Book: Pages 79 to 88

Forms (To be returned to Mr Cheng on 22 February 2011):
1) IT Survey Form
2) Kite Making form

5 more school days to the the pupils' big test.  We are all getting ready by doing our final revision!  We will all try our best and do the best we can!

Mr Cheng

Saturday, February 19, 2011

P3/3's Outdoor Science Lesson & Chinese New Year Party (2 February 2011)

As we only had half-day of school, we had our science lesson outdoors where we learnt more about science in our school's beautiful eco-garden!!

We ended the day with a simple class party where we all tucked into Chinese New Year goodies!!

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P3/3's Library Adventure (16 February 2011)

As part of the school's effort to inculcate good reading habits, our class went to the school library during one of our English lesson.  There are so many books to choose from and I am sure everyone found a book which they like!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

18 February 2011

1. Journal - Hand in on Monday (21 Feb 2011)
2. Revision - Read Science Textbook (Page 10 to 29)

Notes to parents:
6 more schooling days to our big test. Do encourage the children to eat, sleep and study well so they are not just academically prepared but they are also mentally and physically prepared for the CA.

For English & Mathematics, we have completed the syllabus to be assessed in CA1 and we have already tried at least 1 past year CA paper so they are familiar with the style and format of the paper.

For science, we have completed the syllabus but have not tried the past year paper as yet. We will do so next Tuesday (22 Feb 2011)

Mr Cheng

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

16 February 2011

1. English LS 3.5

1. Remedial Cancellation Form
2. There is no English remedial for 17 February 2011
3. My Reading Passport 2011

For remedial, we completed a past year paper and we'll be doing more past year papers as we prepare for our first big test in 8 schooling days' time.

Mr Cheng

Monday, February 14, 2011

15 February 2011

1. Spelling Corrections and Parents are to sign for all the spelling sessions we have had.
2. Corrections for Grammar Book
3. English Grammar Book (Page 72 to 76)

Note to parents
1. There is Math Remedial tomorrow (16 Feb 2011) from 2pm to 245pm
2. There is no PE lesson tomorrow as there is photograph taking for all classes. All pupils are to come to school in clean and neat school uniform.
3. A GEP form has been given out to the pupils for parents to read.

9 more schooling days to CA1. We have completed the Maths syllabus and we'll embark on revision. We will wrap up the English and Science syllabus by this week and will start revision next week.

Mr Cheng

14 February 2011

No homework for today.

Mr Cheng

Thursday, February 10, 2011

11 February 2011

Hi all,

  So sorry for not being able to post any new post for the last couple of days.  It is because I was not able to log into the account.  

  I have managed to resolve the problem so here is the post for today:

1) Journal (if you do not have the book, please write it on a foolscap paper)

Notification to parents:
We have 11 more schooling days before our first big test for 2011.  I will be stepping up the homework for the children and I hope that with our encouragement, they will be prepared and do well.

Mr Cheng

Monday, February 7, 2011

8 February 2011

1) Read Science Textbook Page 21 to 27
2) Science Activity Book: Page 16 
3) English Learning Sheet: 2.5, 2.6, 2.7 and 2.8

Forms and letters:
Please hand in the following if your child has not:
1) Health Booklet
2) Edusave form for Enrichment Class (for Singapore Citizen)/ Cash (S$58) (for Non-Singapore Citizen)
3) CA1 Information Letter for parents

Mr Cheng

Sunday, February 6, 2011

7 February 2011

1) English L.S 2.1, 2.2 & 2.3

Forms given out:
1) Information of Continual Assessment 1 (Require parent's/guardian's reply)
2) Ang Pao Donation to Needy Pupils Letter (Not compulsory to donate)
3) Parent Volunteer Letter 

Mr Cheng

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

2 February 2011

Homework to be handed in on Monday (7 Feb 2011)
1. Journal

Forms given out today:
1. School Disciplinary Form (please reply if you are allowing your child to bring handphone to school)

2. P3 Enrichment Form (please complete the Edusave form for Singaporean citizens or pay cash/cheque if your child are not a Singaporean citizen)

We tried experiential learning for our science lesson today and rounded up the short day with a mini-class party.  I will be posting the photos soon!! 

Have a prosperous Chinese New Year!

Mr Cheng